IG critiques the ORNL steam plant resolution
An elevated view of the Boiler Operating Area at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s reconfigured Steam Plant. (ORNL photo/Jason Richards) The Department of Energy’s Office of Inspector General this week...
View ArticleORNL achieves milestone in producing plutonium-238 for space missions
An Oak Ridge National Laboratory employee uses a remote-manipulator to move a vial of plutonium-238 oxide inside a shielded hot cell at ORNL’s Radiochemical Engineering Development Center. (ORNL...
View ArticleORNL to play big role in DOE’s Grid Modernization
Oak Ridge National Laboratory will play a big role in the Department of Energy’s Grid Modernization Initiative. DOE today announced awards totaling $220 million over three years, and ORNL is involved...
View ArticleDOE announces awards for nuclear power designs
The Department of Energy last week announced multi-year awards to X-energy and Southern Co. for development of advanced nuclear reactors designs. Here’s the announcement.
View ArticleEPRI lab gets $3.1M grant from Energy Dept.
The Electric Power Research Institute’s Knoxville lab will receive a $3.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to work with five utilities to “design, develop and demonstrate technology...
View ArticleORNL to support nuclear industry projects
Oak Ridge National Laboratory will support two projects to develop and demonstrate technologies for advanced nuclear reactor designs, according to info released by the lab. The Department of Energy’s...
View ArticleORNL to help small biz in DOE voucher program
The U.S. Department of Energy last week made the first awards in a small-business voucher program, enabling 33 companies to gain access to expertise and top-notch research facilities at national labs....
View ArticleORNL achieves milestone reducing carbon-fiber costs; seeks commercial partners
Oak Ridge National Laboratory has achieved a milestone in manufacturing research, significantly lowering the cost of producing industrial-grade carbon fiber and broadening the potential use of the...
View ArticleORNL sets new standard for wireless charging of electric vehicles
Oak Ridge National Laboratory announced Thursday that it had successfully demonstrated a new 20-kilowatt wireless charging system for electric vehicles. The lab said the charging system achieved 90...
View ArticleClean energy shindig
The 7th annual Clean Energy Ministerial and inaugural Mission Innovation will be held June 1-2 iin San Francisco, with delegates from more than 20 countries, including China and India and France. U.S....
View ArticleORNL gets $2.54M grant for windows research
Oak Ridge National Laboratory has received a $2.54 million grant from the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) for a research project to develop a “low-cost, multi-layer, highly...
View ArticleGE uses ORNL’s Titan to study combustion
A simulation of combustion within two adjacent gas turbine combustors. (ORNL image) General Electric has used Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Titan supercomputer — a Cray XK7 system capable of more...
View ArticleORNL has 9 energy-tech projects funded by DOE
The U.S. Department of Energy announced Tuesday that it providing $16 million in funding for 54 projects — nine of them at Oak Ridge National Laboratory — to help commercialize promising energy...
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